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Information professionnelle sur Ulcogant®:Merck (Schweiz) AG
Information professionnelle complèteDDDimprimé 
Composit.Forme gal.Indic./emploiPosolog./mode d'empl.Contre-Ind.PrécautionsInteract.Grossesse
Apt.conduiteEffets indésir.SurdosagePropriétésPharm.cinét.Donn.précl.RemarquesNum. Swissmedic
TitulaireMise à jour 
A02BX02 - SucralfateATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
A - Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
A02 - Drugs for Acid Related Disorders
A02B - Drugs for Peptic Ulcer and Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (Gord)
A02BX - Other Drugs for Peptic Ulcer and Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (Gord)

Ranitidine bismuth citrate is classified in A02BA.
Alginic acid in combination with antacids (e.g. aluminium hydroxide, calcium carbonate) is given the code A02BX13.

The DDD for alginic acid in combination with antacids (A02BX13) is given in a fixed doses (10 tablets = 10 UD; 50 ml mixture = 10 UD).

A02BX02 - Sucralfate
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