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Information professionnelle sur Ralur®:Drossapharm AG
Information professionnelle complèteDDDimprimé 
Forme gal./étésIndic./emploiPosolog./mode d'empl.PrécautionsEffets indésir.Interact.
RemarquesNum. SwissmedicMise à jour 
M02AX10 - VariousATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
M - Musculo-Skeletal System
M02 - Topical Products for Joint and Muscular Pain
M02A - Topical Products for Joint and Muscular Pain

This group comprises ointments, liniments, plasters, etc. which may produce symptomatic relief in joint and muscular pain.

No DDDs have been assigned in this group.

M02AX - Other Topical Products for Joint and Muscular Pain

This group comprises topical products, which cannot be classified in the preceding groups.
Preparations with menthol are generally classified in D04 - Antipruritics, incl. antihistamines, anesthetics, etc.

M02AX10 - Various
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