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Information professionnelle sur Selecim®:Acino Pharma AG
Information professionnelle complèteDDDimprimé 
Forme gal./étésPharm.cinét.Indic./emploiPosolog./mode d'empl.PrécautionsEffets indésir.
Interact.SurdosageRemarquesNum. SwissmedicMise à jour 
N04BD01 - SelegilineATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
N - Nervous System
N04 - Anti-Parkinson Drugs

This group comprises preparations used in the treatment of Parkinsons disease and related conditions, including drug-induced parkinsonism.

The DDDs are based on recommended doses for the long-term treatment of symptoms of Parkinsons disease.
No separate DDDs are established for oral depot formulations.

N04B - Dopaminergic Agents
N04BD - Monoamine Oxidase B Inhibitors
N04BD01 - Selegiline
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