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D01AE15 - TerbinafineATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
D - Dermatologicals

Most of the drugs in this group are preparations for topical use. Some few preparations for systemic use with clear dermatological applications, e.g. griseofulvin (antimycotic), retinoids (for treatment of acne) and psoralens and retinoids (for treatment of psoriasis) are classified in this group.

Only oral preparations in ATC group D are given DDDs. Most products in this group are for topical use, and no DDDs are assigned because the amount given per day can vary very much according to the intensity and distribution of the disease. Consumption figures for these dermatological preparations can be expressed in grams of preparations regardless of strength.

D01 - Antifungals for Dermatological Use

This group comprises preparations for topical and systemic treatment of dermatological mycoses. Preparations with systemic antimycotic effect, see also J02A - Antimycotics for systemic use.
Topical preparations used especially in gynecological infections are classified in G01A - Antiinfectives and antiseptics, excl. combinations with corticosteroids or G01B - Antiinfectives/antiseptics in combination with corticosteroids. Preparations for local treatment of fungal infections in the mouth, see A01AB - Antiinfectives and antiseptics for local oral treatment.

D01A - Antifungals for Topical Use

Combined preparations are classified in this group if mycosis is the main indication.

D01AE - Other Antifungals for Topical Use

See also D08AH - Quinoline derivatives
Combined preparations containing salicylic acid, which are used as antifungals (e.g. dusting powders), are classified in this group in D01AE20. See also D02AF - Salicylic acid preparations.
Derivatives of undecylenic acid are classified in D01AE04.

D01AE15 - Terbinafine
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