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Information professionnelle sur Sertraline - 1 A Pharma 50 mg/100 mg:1 A Pharma GmbH, Oberhaching, Landkreis
Information professionnelle complèteDDDimprimé 
Composit.Forme gal.Indic./emploiPosolog./mode d'empl.Contre-Ind.PrécautionsInteract.Grossesse
Apt.conduiteEffets indésir.SurdosagePropriétésPharm.cinét.Donn.précl.RemarquesNum. Swissmedic
TitulaireMise à jour 
N06AB06 - SertralineATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
N - Nervous System
N06 - Psychoanaleptics

This group comprises antidepressants, psychostimulants, nootropics, anti-dementia drugs and combinations with psycholeptics.
Antiobesity preparations are classified in A08 - Antiobesity preparations, excl. diet products.

N06A - Antidepressants

This group comprises preparations used in the treatment of endogenous and exogenous depressions.
The group is subdivided mainly according to mode of action. The various antidepressants have different modes of action, and the classification will not reflect the exact mode of action of the various antidepressants.
Lithium, see N05AN - Lithium
Combination with psycholeptics, see N06C.

The DDDs are based on treatment of moderately severe depressions.

N06AB - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
N06AB06 - Sertraline
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