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Information professionnelle sur Spaverin:MEDITOP Switzerland AG
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Composit.Forme gal.Indic./emploiPosolog./mode d'empl.Contre-Ind.PrécautionsInteract.Grossesse
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A03AD02 - DrotaverineATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
A - Alimentary Tract and Metabolism
A03 - Drugs for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

A major part of the preparations in this group are combined preparations. Preparations containing e.g. analgesics and antispasmodics could be classified either in this group or in N02 - Analgesics. Combinations of psycholeptics and antispasmodics could be classified in A03 or in N05 - Psycholeptics etc. The main indication for the use of the combination will, together with the relative effect of the active components, decide the classification. In the treatment of pain caused by spasms, the spasmolytic component must be judged as more important than the analgesic component. Accordingly, analgesic/antispasmodic combinations should be classified in A03 if the main effect of the preparation is the antispasmodic action.
Combined preparations are classified in:
A03C - Antispasmodics in combination with psycholeptics
A03D - Antispasmodics in combination with analgesics
A03E - Antispasmodics and anticholinergics in combination with other drugs
Antispasmodics, which are used specifically in the urogenital tractus, are classified in G04BD - Drugs for urinary frequency and incontinence.

The DDD for the substances is usually equal for different routes of administration (oral, parenteral or rectal) of the same compound and is based on the oral dose.

A03A - Drugs for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

Drugs for constipation are classified in A06.
Semisynthetic derivatives such as butylscopolamine, are classified in A03B - Belladonna and derivatives, plain.

A03AD - Papaverine and Derivatives

Combinations with sterculia are classified here. Systemic combinations containing papaverine are classified at the plain level for papaverine.
Papaverine used for treatment of erectil dysfunction, see G04BE.

A03AD02 - Drotaverine
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