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Information professionnelle sur Tranexamic acid Leman:Leman SKL SA
Information professionnelle complèteDDDAfficher les changementsimprimé 
Composit.Forme gal.Indic./emploiPosolog./mode d'empl.Contre-Ind.PrécautionsInteract.Grossesse
Apt.conduiteEffets indésir.SurdosagePropriétésPharm.cinét.Donn.précl.RemarquesNum. Swissmedic
PrésentationsTitulaireMise à jour 
B02AA02 - Tranexamic AcidATC-DDD Version 2016. Source: WHO
B - Blood and Blood Forming Organs
B02 - Antihemorrhagics
B02A - Antifibrinolytics

This group comprises agents, which inhibit fibrinolytic activity.
Combinations with vitamin K, see B02B - Vitamin K and other hemostatics.

The DDDs are based on treatment of hemorrhage associated with fibrinolysis.

B02AA - Amino Acids
B02AA02 - Tranexamic Acid
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